To ensure our planet’s future viability and control climate change, we draw on the earth’s resources responsibly, reduce what we emit into the atmosphere, and repurpose or reduce our waste.
Responding to climate change
As well as adapting to climate change, we are actively addressing our role in mitigating the effects of our operations on the climate.
Looking after water
Water is essential to our operations. As a resource we share with our community, we are responsible for using it efficiently and fairly and ensuring that our wastewater is clean.
Managing waste
We’re finding ways to increase the efficiencies of our raw materials to make them go as far as possible. In addition, our people at our California and Indiana sites are finding new ways to increase the amount of waste we reuse or recycle.
Responsible sourcing
Risk assessments across our raw material inputs allow us to ensure we source our raw materials ethically and responsibly. This includes respecting human rights, labor rights and workers’ health and safety.